Friday, February 24, 2006

Still Not Ready

As I read through all the readings for Lent 1 I'm realizing something; I'm not ready for Lent to come. With this quarter came a new class schedule, a new worship schedule, a new work schedule for my wife, a new lunch routine, and a lot of new stress. I'm still trying to see the light of Christ that is the Season after Epiphany and now I'm about to be asked to dive into Lent, into penatence. I've mentioned a few times that I'm not ready for God to speak to me, and this day is no exception. While the readings for Lent 1 are all extremely joyful, it still means I'm about to look at myself very closely and I've got enough to do.

I'm up to my neck in the water and the liturgical year is about to add some more to the pool. I guess I'll just look for that rainbow.

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