Monday, April 03, 2006

Welcome Happy Morning

So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them;

Isn't this the day we wait for all year long? Sure Christmas is a great holiday both secularly and in the Church, but the feast of the Nativity hardly holds a candle to this day, this happy morning when with terror and amazement we come to realize the empty tomb. After 40 long days of Lent (and 7 more "in" Lent) we have come to the Feast of the Resurrection. We have come to the happiest day of the year for we know that it is through Christ that we are saved. Jesus who died on the cross but 3 days; Jesus who fulfilled so many prophecies; Jesus who was 1 with the Father rose from the dead and defeated death once and for all.

Welcome Happy Morning, age to age shall say!

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