Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Never Ready for God - BCP

I have realized for the first time today that Mark’s account of the Transfiguration has no mention as to why Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him up the mountain. Two weeks ago we read about the first time Peter, James, and John (along with Andrew) went about their business together. The three guys must have known as they began their climb up the Mount of the Transfiguration that something was about to happen. Jesus climbed mountains to be alone with the Father. Jesus climbed a mountain alone to offer himself as a once-for-all sacrifice. Here Jesus climbs a mountain with his inner group. Jesus, as far as we know, gives them no indication as to why they are heading up the mountain. Peter, James, and John as now seasoned followers of Jesus know something is going to happen, but even they, even at this stage of their ministry together, cannot know the God himself will speak to them on this day.

I'm about to present "The Hope that is in me" in homiletics (preaching class). I'm focusing on the hope that by grace I can follow the will of God. Even now, even after nearly a decade of searching for God's will, I am no more ready when God speaks to me directly. When God revels himself with his 2x4 in hand I never expect it. I, like Peter, James and John am left to respond with awe and with words that in no way reflect the event which has just happened. Fortunately for me, and for them, we have time. God allows us, through the Holy Spirit the time and space to discern what it is he says. My gut reaction will eventually be replaced by a better understanding of God's will, just as it was for Peter, James, and John.

1 comment:

The Rev. Scott Petersen said...

Thanks for this.