Monday, March 06, 2006

BCP- Yup, chock full o' info

Lent three is full. Preaching would be a pill...not because there is nothing to say but mainly because there is so much. The pill is that the themes are not gentle. No children sitting on Jesus lap. God is active this week. In Exodus there is the first command which dominates the text. There is only one God. In Romans we get (what feels like) Pauls set up. The whole pericope is filled with his failure. The body is sin. The intent of Paul turns into sin. He seems trapped. After highlighting continued failure he seems to peak on one statement. In Christ he is free. In the Gospel we have God active. The temple in the Gospels, like most of my spiritual life, becomes diverted toward lesser goals. Jesus with zeal for his house drives them out. Zeal for his house resonates with the first command.

The message: First things first. God is seeking us to keep first things first. God is a jealous God.

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