Monday, March 06, 2006

Geez - BCP

Man am I glad I'm not preaching on Lent 3! What a tough batch of lessons! The 10 Commandments, The author of Romans rambling on about the law of sin, and Jesus getting pissed off? Are they serious? Wow.

And yet, as glad I am about not preaching, I'm sort of bummed I'm not preaching. The great things about the Lectionary is it puts us precisely in these positions. I can't in good conscience preach on the collect becuase the Lessons of Lent 3 Year B are hard. The latest post on the emergent-us blog is all about how cool it is to preach within a lectionary. When I read it a week or so ago it didn't mean much, but today, staring into a Sunday that I'd rather skip, I know that Dr. Clendenin is speaking the truth.

I wonder where this week will take me. I wonder if God will open my eyes to the sermon he will construct on my heart. I wonder if in the midst of paper writing and stress I'll be ready for God to call down from the mountain. This is indeed getting good.

1 comment:

The Rev. Scott Petersen said...

If Dr. Clendenin is loving the Lectionary...he might be a good addition... why don't you invite him?