Friday, April 21, 2006

Micah and continued drippings of sweetness- like apple pie bubbled over...

He shall judge between many peoples,
and shall arbitrate between strong nations far away;
they shall beat their swords into plowshares,and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,neither shall they learn war any more;

Whether it is real blood or proverbial blood there is a promise delivered in these words. Conflict rarely shows what is the best in us. The conflict arrises, our hackles rise and we lash out. Enemies can come in many guises. They look different. They smell different. They wear their hair different. And as we so often see under our own Christian roof our enemies are not those on the outside but usually those within. They think different.

In Micah we are encouraged to take some important steps prior to the promise. Already the persons of faith have been called to go to the mountain. The first step is not act or react but pray. Wait on God. Seek first the kingdom. Seek first the kingdom? Seek first the kingdom! As creatures we are willfully ignorant. Like my 13 year old son who is convinced that anything that I might say is ignorant due to the fact he already understands. When we live with the idea we got it all wrapped up- taken care of- figured out- we are in contempt. Contempt! "Who are you to say there is no God?" or God's rant to Job "Have you created the heavens?" We are given a great gift with our intelligence but when we confuse the gift as the giver we are in contempt. It has been said, nothing will keep a man in everlasting ignorance but contempt prior to investigation. Micah reminds us first, "Go to the mountain." "that he may teach us his ways".

In our waiting on God, God will give us his instruction. "The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." Fear in this context has been said to really mean Awe. That dramatic understanding of both terror and excitement. The understanding that when we wait on God we're not waiting on some two bit servant boy but the very creator and sustainer of the universe. We are waiting on the same Jesus who can command healing with his word. This is no patsy boy Jesus but a powerhouse..."The father and I are one." As Micah suggests here in our moving toward God, God will move toward us and is willing to teach us. If Micah is a good witness this is exciting stuff. Why do I so often go it alone- see first paragraph. On a larger level our going it alone in the church might undermine all our good intention. Seek first and the teaching will come. This brings us to,

He shall judge between many peoples,
and shall arbitrate between strong nations far away;
they shall beat their swords into plowshares,and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,neither shall they learn war any more;

The promise is held out there before us. In our current political and ecclesiastical debates over sexuality and the faith I see and hope for the promise. God will judge. Period. He will judge. Whom will he judge? All of us. While initially daunting I find comfort in ABC Rowan Williams when he accentuates that judgement and grace come together. As we wait and he teaches I believe that he will uphold those things we have been faithful with while seeking to root out and destroy our faithlessness, resentment, anger, pity, and hardheartedness. God will arbitrate. We will suddenly realize that our war like stances need to be dropped. We will see with clarity the beauty of Christ in the gaze of our brother. Network will not lift up sword against ECUSA and the west will beat their swords into plowshares for their southern cone bishops.

Not possible you say? Have you sought first the kingdom?

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