Tuesday, July 31, 2007

From the riches of his grace

My supervisor here likes to bring this line up over and over to me in our supervisory sessions. Everything about one's priestly ministry should be centered on this. "In everything you do, you are to feed God's people from the riches of his grace". My first inclination is to run screaming from this. If everything I do is to help feed others, how do I keep myself fed? If I am having trouble seeing the riches of his grace, how I am to feed others by it? Aaaa!! run for the hills!!!
When I first thought about an ordination using the Clare readings and not the BCP appointed ones, I thought it was weird. But how nice it was to see some of my misgivings put at ease. In the Gospel there is the reminder to be ready, to be prepared. I can only feed others if I first take care of myself. My preparation is paramount, or how else can I welcome Jesus into the door he has left me to watch?
And then there is the Song of Solomon, the love poem. It is a loving God that pulls our downcast eyes up to look at the growing things. See the flower opening, God says. Here are the riches of his grace, that life continues. Flowers, both tangible and metaphorical, continue to bloom. Spring comes, life grows eternal. Come my love, he says, and see creation. It may be the verbena flowers on my porch (which didn't die under my spouse's watch while I was away), or it could be a new ministry being attempted, or a baptism being planned. Even greater than these, it is Christ offered up Sunday morning. Yep, that's the food God offers, to sustain and inspire. Creation reborn and renewed.

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