Wednesday, December 20, 2006
1 Christmas
Perhaps just knowing the John put a prologue on to his Gospel is enough. To know that the story needed to be explained right up front is warning enough that the contents are loaded. Be careful, this prologue says. Before we tell you any of the story, let me tell you what this is all about. Here we are at Christmas happy and celebratory, and John is saying, "Are you sure you are ready for all of this? This is heavy..."
But no matter, finals are done. Its time to party. I've got until next Sunday till I have to come to grips with what I have been given. Rejoice! The Lord is Here!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
it is almost time
Advent is a funny season, one I still don't really get. It is a time to prepare for the second coming, but at the same time the lessons point us also to the Incarnation, God's first time walking the Earth since the Fall. I think its that juxtaposition that is hard for me. We know Jesus came, its not really something we have to hope will come again this year. So to start the church year with a hope for the Incarnation seems strange. So too it is really strange to start the church year with the end, the End of Days. So, like most Americans I move quickly through Advent and have Christmas carols on my car radio by Advent 2. I wait expectantly for the beauty of the Incarnation played out in the beauty of liturgy with full brass, soloists, choral music, and glorious altar hangings. I wait for the gathering together of family and friends in the love we share for one another, and (at least I hope) for God. But as a good liturgical Christian I feel guilty about skipping ahead, and at least take to heart the collects for each week, which make it clear we are expecting so much more than a baby born in a cave-stable. We are waiting for God to come (back) among us.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mary, who must be on the verge of freaking out at every moment, decides to get away for a while. She visits her cousins Elizabeth and Zechariah, both of whom also must be just an angel's sneeze away from a total breakdown. The group anxiety, however, is immediately cooled by God when, as Mary enters the house, Jbap, still in his mother's womb, jumps for joy at the sound of Mary's voice. Elizabeth, rather than collapsing from a major coronary, sings praises to Mary for she is "blessed among young women..."
While it seems like a non sequiter, Mary's song captures in a few short verses the saving work of God throughout all history. It captures the corporate work of God in Israel, but is also keenly aware of the particular works of God in the lives of his people. It is just a great song as we transition from the saving work of God in his people Israel, to the saving work of God in his Son.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I talked to my dad today and there is good news coming out of Lancaster General. Apparently sometime yesterday evening, after the nerve shocky testy thing, a diagnosis came through. Seems as though inflamed blood vessels which feed nerves have caused those nerves to go dormant. This leads to excruciating pain and paralysis. They began mom on a three day steroid treatment to combat the inflamed blood vessels. Since the steroid treatment began last night she's hit her morphine pump only 8 times (cf the possibility of hitting it every 8 minutes if need be).
The diagnosis is not a complete one, as of yet, because something must be causing the inflammation. So, a second Lumbar Puncture is scheduled for tomorrow to hopefully nail down the virus that is causing the rest of the stuff. The doctors are hopeful she'll be able to head home Tuesday night or Wednesday.
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for a finalized diagnosis and peace for our family.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
what's with all the anger?
Let me repeat that. The crowd at which Jbap is yelling and angry is a crowd of people who have come from the city, to the wilderness, to take part in the baptism of repentance that he preached.
What is with all the anger? (<--read this as though Chandler Bing was saying it) There must have been some murmuring in the ranks as Jbap preached and baptized. There must have been some who came for appearances sake and not in search of true repentance. There must have been some hypocrites to make up the brood of vipers. And if there were, Jbap had every right to lay into the crowd.
Repentance is not an easy thing. Repentance requires substantial effort. To turn oneself 180 degrees from a life of the world to a life of God is a taxing thing. Human nature would be to play an easier card. 'Oh, me? Nope, no need for repentance here, I'm a son of Abraham.' or 'Oh, me? Naah, I'm good, Jesus died once for all.'
But the grace of God, freely offered, ain't cheap. Sure, the Son of God died upon the cross to take my sins, rose from the dead to defeat death, and ascended into heaven to come again with power and great glory, but the story doesn't end there. In fact, it doesn't even begin there. It begins with the foretelling of his coming by the prophets, and by his cousin Jbap.
'He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear the threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.' The grace of God comes free, but damn if it doesn't burn like hell. The refining nature of God's love, always calling us away from our self and toward a closer walk with Him will be painful as we give away our own desires for those of God. Our hearts will burn and break within us as we see the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, prisoners, victims of war and disease.
'So, with many other exhortations, he proclaimed the good news to the people.' Despite all appearances, this grace, no matter what the cost, is good news. The Gospel message is that grace is available to all; poor, rich, tax collector, prostitute, Enron executive, social justice worker, whatever... We can all share in the pain of Jesus on the cross, and that is Good News. Sharing that pain brings us to his granary, where there is no pain, where the images of the prophets are reality, where God, in His ever present love, is felt.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The lectionary is alive with songs this week
It being Advent 3 we will be lighting the pink candle this week. I heard in today's Seminary Euch that it is meant to bring joy in the midst of our searching for Christ in our lives. As I look at the readings, I am pulled into song by the OT, the Response, and the NT. I think it is Hymn 678 for the First Song of Isaiah that is in my ears, but joining it is a song from the Sunday School at my field ed site, Rejoice in the Lo-ord Al-l-ways and a-gain I say Rejoice (clap clap). If you don't know it just ask me to sing it when you see me next.
But then the Gospel doesn't seem to want to be sung, does it? John, almost foaming at the mouth, begins a diatribe against the ever growing stream of folks who now are more interested in following the crowd than actually repenting and turning. It would be nice to hear this more loudly today, with so many putting up Christmas trees, lights, spending more than they have, and overusing Christmas carols before their time. It would be nice to hear that searching for Christ, for preparing the way, has nothing to do with following the crowd and everything to do with making space, making ready. We can be joyful only because we go through Advent. I for one will be singing Christmas carols starting on the 25th. Today's readings tell me my voice is better used for preparing, and that is cause for rejoicing.
the prophetic imagination
The words of the prophet Zephaniah sound a lot like the words of any other prophet of the Hebrew Bible. After criticism of the status quo, the wailing of the Israelites due to their unpleasant situation (or for others the pending doom due to their faithlessness) Zephaniah brings hope to the hopeless.
On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem...
Zephaniah goes on to tell the story of the restoration of Jerusalem and her people. In the time of the exile this story is unimaginable. The people have been spread out to repopulate other areas of conquest for the Babylonians (or was it the Assyrians). Others have been brought in to populate their land as slaves. No one has an ethnic identity under this regime, they are but pieces in the economic system. And yet, Zephaniah sets forth a vision for the impossible. The vision becomes the operating mindset for Israel, it is accepted despite its apparent impossibility.
That is the prophetic task - to point people to a reality that by human means is utterly unimaginable. To point them there over and over and over and over again so that eventually, the people relent, the people believe, and the vision becomes the reality.
An update from yesterday's post - Mom had an MRI and Spinal Tap yesterday. The MRI looks "good" according to the Neurologist. The ST results will take a day or two. In the meantime they may do some sort of test on the blood vessels in her brain, but they are unsure this is necessary as of yet. She remains at LGH and will be there for at least a couple of days. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
do not worry
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
It finally happened. My mom was admitted to Lancaster General Hospital last night at the request of her neurologist. For more than a year she's been sick on and off. Whether any of those things are related to the current situation remains to be seen, but it all came to a head six weeks ago when she began having neck pain. Then her vision went blurry. Then she started getting migraines. Then her eye went lazy. Then her arm went weak. She's been to her GP, a ophthalmologist, a neurophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, and finally, on Monday a neurologist. She's had blood work, a Lime disease test, an MRI, an MRA, and a CT Scan. And still she gets worse each day rather than better. So finally, when her neurologist called to schedule her for a second, this time closed, MRI and she had to wait until January, she was admitted. (BTW - what can be diagnosed with an MRI that can wait a month? A knee injury? Brain damage? I'm at a loss) They did blood work again last night along with a chest X-ray. Orders have been given for an MRI with anesthesia and a spinal tap. Things are moving, but not in the direction anyone was hoping. On the table is MS, Lupus, Vasculitis, among other not fun things.
I'm really trying not to worry. I'm trying to offer it all up to God in prayer and supplication, but I can't do it on my own. Would you please pray with me? For my mother as she awaits a diagnosis. For my dad as he tries to continue to go about daily life in spite of it all. For my family as we come to grips with the reality that news isn't going to be good. For healing for us all.
O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Pat for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon her with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort her with a sense of thy goodness; preserve her from the temptations of the enemy; and give her patience under her affliction. In thy good time, restore her to health, and enable her to lead the residue of her life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant
Monday, December 04, 2006
and grant us your salvation.
I will listen to what the LORD God is saying, *
for he is speaking peace to his faithful people
and to those who turn their hearts to him.
Truly, his salvation is very near to those who fear him, *
that his glory may dwell in our land.
Mercy and truth have met together; *
righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Truth shall spring up from the earth, *
and righteousness shall look down from heaven.
I love that line Mercy and Truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
I hope I am one of those who have turned his heart to Him. I think so but do not think that what I have done in the past has any indication at what happens in the future. Past deeds are no guarantee of Grace. One must continue to trust in that salvation for those "who fear him."
The image that comes together as a result of the kiss is the majesty of Jesus being born in the desert un appreciated of the world. God making himself known in the most sorted place unannounced like a rain that quickly transforms a desert into a garden.
In Christ there is in Bethlehem and especially at Christ's Baptism the intersection of Righteousness and the world. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
That is little line. One little image.
the dreaded [ ]
The unfortunate thing about these options, is that people take advantage of them. Ultimately you might end up hearing 25 verses of Scripture on a Sunday, and some will think even that is too much. In all reality, however, one can never be exposed to too much Scripture in the course of a worship service. The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, 1979, is ripe with Scripture, though it isn't referenced I've heard up to 75% of the words in that book come from Holy Writ. My exhortation here is to read the parts in [ ] even if it adds two minutes to the service.
My reason for writing all of this is the richness of Paul's words placed in brackets. 'Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things' What a beautiful list of the things of the Kingdom. As we strive to be more and more like Christ, we are called to the Truth. This Truth, the truth of God, will call us to the rest of the list; honor, justice, purity, pleasure, commendation, excellence, and praise. God grieves when we turn our back to Him in sin. God rejoices when we follow the Way of Jesus Christ, though inevitably that Way takes us to the foot of the cross. Doing what is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise will, despite what it sounds like, not always lead us to an easy life situation. There will be struggles and pain. There will be uncertainty and fear. But ultimately there will be redemption as the God of peace walks the Way with us.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Paths, making paths, and allowing Him to come
He went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah,
"The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
'Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight."
You will have to forgive me if I wander off in the desert. I'm not exactly focused at present as I heading off to an interview. I write at this time to try and stay in prayer. It matters not the result of the interview. What matters is that I continue to strive to "obey" or to listen to God. It takes trust and as Steve revealed in his last post it is easy to go off ones own path.
In the Greek (and the only reason I know this is I have just completed a word study for my upcoming sermon...I don't want to come off sounding like those folks who actually know the Greek.) In the Greek the word for "word" here is Reheb and it refers to the Holy Spirit bringing into consciousness scripture. If this interpretation is correct it would mean that John received the word and it was Isaiah 40. He felt called to go out in the wilderness proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John then is preparing the way for the Lord. What grabs me is to discern just what is the path? Is it John? or is it the Baptism of Repentance?
My gut tells me that it is the baptism of repentance. Imagine any people turning around in the expectation that God will be present. Imagine persons trusting, that by living out ofthe hope that God will receive them that God does so. I see this repentance (which in itself is being led by God) as a means to prepare the ground. Repentence then could actually be (and still be) the "making a strait path".
I can't be sure but even between yesterday and today this message makes sense to me. The effect of seeing and admitting that on my own, I am not enough led me to the conclusion that I needed to start praying more. Even by beginning to pray just a little tiny bit more I feel a greater connection and more peace.
Have I made a straiter path? If I have He has come. And that is good news!
So what I
my favorite verse
This passage of Scripture has always been something I've aspired to live up to. There have been plenty of decisions I've made without the counsel of my Creator, and inevitably the paths to and from those decision points are filled with curves, hills, and fog. Then there are those decisions which, by the grace of God, I've remembered to trust in the LORD. In those places and times I've felt confident, comfortable, and at peace.
I say all this to point just how strange I found it to read the words of Isaiah in the Gospel for Advent 2c. 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.' (emphasis mine). What does it mean for us, as human beings, to make straight the paths of the coming Lord? How can we prepare the way? It seems clear to me from what I've recounted above that I can't make my own paths straight, how can I do it then for the Lord?
Maybe the recalling of this passage from 2nd Isaiah is just a way of reminding the prophet of his/her calling. Maybe it isn't for us all to make straight the path of God. Perhaps it is the job of the prophet to walk on ahead, finding the best way for God to work His way through. JBap, as he is affectionately referred to, had just such a job. Proclaiming the repentance of sins was setting the stage for Jesus to declare salvation, freedom from sin. Baruch called the people out of their own naval-gazing and self-pity so that they were ready for God to restore Israel. Paul laid the foundation of the Gospel in Philippi, so that God could fill them to overflowing with love and knowledge.
I'm going to stick to trusting God to make my paths straight, but more power to those of you with the gift of prophecy, flattening roads is one heck of a job (just ask VDOT).
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Seeking not to reap what I sow
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping, carrying the seed, *
will come again with joy, shouldering their sheaves.
I admit it. My Christian practice is pretty weak. I think of Peter at the fire. "You were with him wern't you? No Way! Not me.
Not me. Not me.
I have let the work become to important. I have let the fear of failure get me worked up. I have let the thought of going with out a job and the fear of not being able to feed my family gain to much time upstairs in the noggin. "no way I'm not with him."
My body is tired. My brain is working at the speed of dial up. I want to run away and prayer is about the last thing on my mind.
Why is it that one has to get to the place of collapse to begin to ask for help. Why is Peter chosen to be the leader and then they broadcast through the Gospels his rejection of Jesus. Why must Jesus be rejected before one can find Him?
I write today because I am praying for the miracle that is so evident in the psalm. I let go to pick up. I move in the opposite direction of where my mind and spirit wants to go. I admit my defeat.
I have been beaten myself... the old nemisis and idol. Let go I hear...smash your idols I hear...fear not I hear.
I am sowing with tears today (not literally...don't baker act me or call the hospital). I am trusting that in defeat I may once again be willing to reap with joy.
on the benefits of the practice
In a reading for our last class session, (An aside to mention I was reading this IN class, not prior, please don't misunderstand), Brian McLaren (yaaah) posited various new ways of understanding the kingdom of God. As I sat on the heels of Christ the King Sunday it was hard for me to think of the reign of God in any other way, but his argument gave me a paper idea. One of his new ways of looking at the kingdom of God was "the party of God." While I'm not sure I yet fully understand what he is claiming I've decided to take it on as my paper topic. The Prophetic Imagination: Describing the Party of God. I dunno, I'm excited about it.
Anyway, back to the practice. See I've been hitting my head against the wall for two days trying to figure out where in the Hebrew Bible (OT) I might find tale of the Party of God. (Sarcasm coming -->) You see as a good Christian I know that the God of the OT was a wrathfilled God, parties didn't occur until Jesus came. Actually, I just don't know my Hebrew Bible well enough to pull out Scripture on most topics. So I'm reading Baruch and the Psalm today and BAM it hits me; these are stories of the Party of God.
Baruch, a deuterocononical (in between OT and NT in your pew Bible) writer, tells of the restoration of Israel. The Psalmist tells of the same thing. There are parties in the Hebrew Bible and if it weren't for the practice, I might never have found them. All of a sudden this ambiguous 15 page paper looks doable.
Now, can somebody help me pull a communication event (art project) out of thin air on this one?
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
take off the garment of your sorrow...
Quit yer bitchin'! God loves you!
During what was, for all intents and purposes, the worst point in Israel's history (I'm guessing it was written during the exile) the author has good news to share above the moaning and groaning of the people.
Shut up! God will restore you!
The job of the prophet is to turn people around. After the exile, it would seem, the people had once again turned to their own devices and desires. This time, instead of a golden calf, it was their own self pity that they worshiped. Wearing the garment of sorrow and affliction the people of Israel were content to sulk for all eternity, their strength was in their combined suffering. But Baruch had a different story.
"Take off the garment of your sorrow and affliction, O Jerusalem, and put on forever the beauty of the glory from God."
Sitting in self-pity is not how God intended us to live our lives. We are called instead to see the splendor of our God who restores. We are called instead to wear the crown of glory that is exclusively of God. We are called to live into our name "Righteous Peace, Godly Glory"
It seems like it is rare when the prophet has the opportunity to share good news. Precisely because it is so rare, it seems we should all the more listen to it. "Shut up! Turn away from your own self-pity! Look at God! God will restore you! God loves you!"
Holy Layers bat man!
What do we have? A layer cake
We have the use of the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah (potentially second Isaiah, a writer writing some time in the "spirit" of the original prophet) is "forthtelling" to the Israelites that God is still very much with them.
On top of that is the "real" history that occured that saw the man Jesus become born and the man John go out to the wilderness to proclaim that the Jews must repent and return to God. To repent is to turn around. In that time there was the Roman elected high priest Annaias, followed by the High Priest at Jesus' trial, death and ressurection, Caiaphus. They were the Religious Priests who held sway in Palestine. Palestine was an occupied land. The rule was the emporer but he sent Pontious Pilate to govern. Pilate oversaw Roman rule in Jerusalem and was involved with the Trial. His job was to try and maintain order, by force if neccessary, over a people who were not to thrilled that gentiles held sway in the land that God had given the Jews. Enter Jesus in Galilee...a political nobody. Yet he was born and lived in an era of Herod the tetrarch. A cruel leader who was the son of Herod the Great.
On top of that enter the writer of Luke Acts who believes that Jesus is no man but the Messiah. Son of God who was sent to proclaim the Jubilee and whose death and resurrection was the very good news that was the salvation of all who believed. He not only see's the man Jesus as the very same Son of God but understands (some 70-90 years later)that John the Baptist was sent to proclaim Jesus as Messiah. To make it more interesting the writer also see's that Isaiah who thought he was speaking to the faithful of his day was actually referring to Jesus. In light of this he inserts Isaiah 40 to reveal the Lord who was to come and make all ways strait was Jesus Christ. To make it even more interesting we not only get a historical reference but are also reminded of the Spiritual story of John's father Zechariah who because he did not buy all the Angel Gabriel had told him, could not speak, until the spirit released his tongue to confirm that Jesus cousin John should actually be named John.
Wait there is more...
On top of this layer lies those who prepared the Lectionary to prepare for Advent. They chose this Gospel Lesson to remind and elicit a congregation to the Mini Lent of Advent which is to induce a type of longing in which we Christians prepare for Christmas. It is dark and we await for the coming of light.
How am I supposed to compete with that. Here I come the top layer in this spiritual/histoical layer cake filled with my own thoughts and experience of Christ. Which of course has been influenced and developed by all the preceeding layers but also the Holy Spirit who is not even contained in the writings.
Its enough to make one fall down. In fact I think I will.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I forget yet I can remember
then were we like those who dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, *
and our tongue with shouts of joy.
Then they said among the nations, *
"The LORD has done great things for them.
How good is the psalm? It is very good indeed. We were like those who dream. (I think of the sons and daughters mentioned in the New Testament who dream dreams)Our mouth filled with laughter....our tongue...shouts of joy. I'm tempted to write about how little I see this amongst my bretheren. But to admit that, would also be to write how little this represents me. Not that I'm dour, just that I have not on a continual basis always recognize how Jesus has restored the fortunes of us every reason to dream and laugh with joy. I forget that his very life, death, and resurrection restores my fortunes and when I remember, can restore my fortunes in the here and now.
For Truly the Lord has done great things for (us) me. The trouble is I have a built in forget-ter. I forget the great things. I even go so far as to see what God has done for me and think it common place or ordinary. I forget where I come from.
I forget that cold, dark, wet night 11 years ago in October. I was drunk and miserable and angry at God. I stumbled around Longmeadow in tears...lost because I could not get God. The truth was how could I allow God in when I was too busy making all the decisions. BAM! three weeks later I end up in AA. A year later I am still sober and have a God of my own understanding. Three years after that I am a Christian. I Get it and I don't fight it. Jesus of Nazareth is the One who they believed he was. I got there because I simply began living like it was so...I got of f the debating society.
But I forget. I forget that I was on a blind date and fell in love with my wife. I forget that this is a woman of great beauty and laughter when I focus on the way I allow her to push my buttons. I forget that she willingly sold her house, packed her things and left her mother to come to a strange country...seminary.
I forget and even forget that I am not alone. Even the greats like Paul admit "I do what I don't want and don't do what I am to do." (paraphrase) I do become engrossed with outcomes and worry too much about jobs. I don't take the time to pray or recognize the astounding fact that I am healthy, married to a beautiful wife, have three intelligent, healthy children, there is food on my plate and gas in my car.....A CAR THAT CAME FREE!!!!!! (Did I say I forget stuff...up till this moment I forgot about that)
But into my mouth has come laughter. My heart has warmed in the recognition. There is joy here in this moment. In recognition of Christ in this moment my hope is restored.
It was always there...I just had forgotten.
I love Luke
In the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was ruler of Galilee, and his brother Philip ruler of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias ruler of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas
I love Luke. This list, while quite boring, is actually very very interesting. It places the story of Jesus within a very specific historical context. It sets the scene for the precipitating story of John the Baptist. It ties the present story of Jesus with the past of the prophet Isaiah by way of specificity.
I love Luke.
Friday, November 24, 2006
How much is this blog worth?
My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
how can we thank God enough?
As an estimated 38 million americans travel "home" today I can't help but think about how many will be thanking God for the joy that comes from family. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. So often, anymore, it seems as though it is merely the ribbon cutting ceremony required to get to black friday shopping (with some stores opening at midnight this year) and ultimately to Christmas.
What would Thanksgiving look like if we took the time to sit and ponder just how we might thank God enough? I know we can't do it. To thank God enough for the joys of this life would preclude us from complaining about the pains. To thank God enough for the incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of his Son would take every living moment we have. To thank God enough for our "family" and our "home" whatever form that takes means moving past petty disagreements to see the blessing each member and their history have been in our lives.
How can we thank God enough? Well, I'm thinking we can't. But what we can do is be intentional. We can take some real time to contemplate all we have to be thankful for. We can read through some prayers of thanksgiving (maybe the litany or Charlie Price's General Thanksgiving in the BCP). We can articulate our gratuity to our family and friends. How can we thank God enough? We can't. How can we thank God? By thanking those who he has placed in our lives.
Thank you to all who read this blog. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
light and living waters
Then, thanks only to the Lectionary, I stumble upon the Zechariah reading for Advent 1c. In it, we begin to see how God will restore this corrupt planet.
- There shall not be either cold or frost
- There shall be continuous day
- Living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem
- The LORD will become king over all the earth
- The LORD will be one and his name one
Our liturgical seasons are not doubt Eurocentric, so the fact that Advent falls in late fall/early winter works only for us in the north, let's run with it anyway. It's cold. It's dark by 5. Advent is, quite literally, a time of darkness. It is, quite literally, time spent contemplating what it feels like to be without the refining fire of God. It points out just how out of tune we are with God's hopes and dreams.
What would it look like if the radiance of God made it continuously day? Do we want to feel the warmth of God's love all year-round? What would it feel like to be washed in the living water flowing from God's throne?
Most importantly - Will we be ready for the LORD to be king over all the earth? Or are we set in our ways? Do we like the darkness? Do we like the cold? Do we like to be outside of God's plan, in charge of our own destiny? I know I do. It scares me to think that I will stand exposed by the light. It scares me to think that I will drink the living water daily. It is hard to comprehend what it will be like to stand in the presence of uncompromising love. And yet, in spite of all the fear and discomfort, I know it will be glorious. I know it will be good. I know that I want to stand in the comfort of God's mighty love.
Monday, November 20, 2006
where am i
I've decided its really hard to spend time with God in prayer in a situation like this, but I continue to sit here with the readings and typing on this blog anyway. There are two reasons for this. One, I'm a sucker for community. I seek out people like its my job. I hate sitting by myself when I know people are around.
The other reason is its Advent. Its a time of waiting and a time of darkness. A time that is very uncomfortable to me. I'm not good at uncertainty. I like things to be within the plan. I like things to tick off on my to-do list. I don't like "distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves." There is no mention of what the signs will be in Luke 21, but just that there will be signs. I don't like this uncertainty. I just don't like it.
So, I guess this is the main reason I'm avoiding doing real work. As I sit on the cusp of GOEs, job searching, and am having a real family crisis with my mom's yet undiagnosed illness, I'm really struggling with with uncertainty. Spiritual direction today helped me understand this struggle, and opened my eyes to this month of uncertainty and darkness that is about to be upon us. I guess I'll be forced to come to terms with these themes over the next month, but for today, I'm procrastinating. Today I'm not dealing with it. Today, I'm laughing with friends.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
the holiness tradition
As the Ancient One (YHWH - God) sits upon his throne of fire the author gives us an image of what God looks like. But then he says something interesting, "A stream of fire issued and flowed out from his presence." The ancient Israelites had this thing about holiness flowing outward from God in the form of fire. As I mentioned below the overwhelming image of holiness is that of fire. This fire, which in Daniel flows from the presence of God is a refining, sanctifying fire.
(Now the fogginess returns, please excuse any mistakes that follow) As the Israelites were instructed by Moses on how to setup camp back somewhere in the Pentateuch this flowing fire was also a consideration. The Levites (priests) we to set up closest, and surrounding the Arc of the Covenant (God's House) and in concentric circles the other tribes of Israel would make their place so that the holiness of God would reach out to encompass all.
Here, at this late stage in the Hebrew Bible the holiness tradition returns, God's holiness flows forth like fire, bringing sanctification to all who live within his presence. But those who speak arrogant words like the horned beast will first be killed and the fire will be used to destroy their bodies rather than to sanctify their souls.
I didn't trust Dean Horne when she promised my seminary education would all make sense on the other side, but I'll be dipped if she wasn't right. It really is starting to come together. Thanks be to God.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here." Pilate asked him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."
See how he does that. Jesus talks about his kingdom, thus making Pilate, and us, believe he is claiming to be a king. When Pilate asks again, however, punctuation makes all the difference.
Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth."
Jesus does not answer "You say that I am king; for this I was born, and for this I came into the world."
See the difference? Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, even at this late stage of his life denies the earthly title of King. On earth he is not a king. On earth his job is to testify to the truth - to God. We have much to learn from Jesus and his rejection of worldly things, especially those things which are utterly unreal. Titles are not concrete things one can own, but are names, unreal things which define a real thing. Jesus would not allow others to define him, and neither should we.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Kings...and kenosis
those who strive to be first...
As I read the lessons appointed for Christ the King Sunday in Year B I cannot help but hear those words of Jesus to his disciples. From Daniel to Revelation to the Gospel the readings are without a doubt focused on the kingship of Jesus Christ, but all are apt to point out at what cost that kingship came.
In Daniel the "one like a human being" is given dominion, glory, and kingship only after the first beast was put to death and the rest had their dominion taken away. This beast that was put to death is reminiscnet to me of the beast of sin that hung on the back of Jesus as he hung on the cross totally estranged from the Father. Until this beast is finally put to death, even Christ cannot have the dominion due him. (apologies to Elizabeth and Dr. Cook for placing Christ in the OT)
In the Revelation of John the kingship of Jesus is listed first with the glory of God.
Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
But we are immediatly reminded of the cost of that kingship.
To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
The ruler of the kings of the earth was one despised and hung on a cross. Through is blood we are freed from sin and made into a kingdom of believers under one head, Jesus Christ.
Both of the options for the Gospel lesson clearly portray Jesus as a King, but both are set in close proximity to his crucifixion. The pericope from Mark's Gospel is that of Palm Sunday. As Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem for the final time the people are ready to make him King. They shout Hosanna! (which means Save Us!) The same people who shout to Jesus to save them as king will soon shout "Crucify him" as one who has blasphemed. In John's Gospel we hear of the interaction between Jesus and Pilate where Jesus is asked directly "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus speaks of his kingdom, of his being born to be a king, but ultimately will be hung on a cross to die.
Those who strive to be first must be last. Even as King of kings and Lord of lord, God the Son had to be made low in order to be first.
Friday, November 10, 2006
a hole in my seminary education
The readings for Proper 28 have opened my eyes to a huge hole in my seminary education, eschatology, or the END TIMES. For many, these words bring forth images of Kirk Cameron in Left Behind, but for me, it just inflicts fear. Reading the parallels between Daniel's Apocalypse and Mark's Gospel had led me to understand that I will, no doubt, have to preach on the End Times. Hell, Advent will force it if nothing else. But I have not, and will not take Kate's Last Things course (it doesn't fit). As far as I remember the discussion of eschatology in New Testament was something like, "has anyone heard a sermon on Revelation?". We must of talked about Daniel in Old Testament, but honestly, I don't remember. So I'm stuck here, trying to come up with a sermon for next Sunday with nothing in my toolbox.
What I can glean from Daniel and Mark are but a few points.
+ There will be suffering unimaginable.
+ There will be some saved and some who choose otherwise
+ There will be false prophets and false messiahs
+ It will not be fun
+ God will redeem
So I guess I'm back to my point from Tuesday, to fall into the hands of the living God is truly a fearful thing, both now, as we live a life moving toward holiness, and in the age to come as we witness the final victory of God and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
it truly is a fearful thing...
The overwhelming Old Testament image for holiness is that of fire. God purifies the soul and a refiner purifies gold, melting it down so that the impurities might be removed. This image of holiness truly is a fearful thing.
To be a disciple of Jesus is to die to self. In our baptism we join with Jesus in his death (moreso evident in the baptist tradition than my own episcopal one) and in his resurrection. In that brief time in between (again moreso in the baptist tradition) we are able to feel that death to self, that consiousness of our own sinful nature. This moment, in and of itself, is truly a fearful thing, but then BAM we are raised out of the water, alive, forgiven, and set ablaze.
As we walk through life as a Christian, as a disciple of Christ, we contine to be alive and are always forgiven. It is that third part that, it seems to me, we have have some control over. Some call that fire set within the process of sanctification. By that, I'm guessing, they mean the process of refining our souls to be more and more like that of Jesus Christ. As we see in Hebrews 10, this process can involve many rough spots; sufferings, abuse, persecution, etc.
Yet this process brings with it much in the way of gift as well; confidence, endurance, promise. If we are willing to endure the tough times, we no doubt will receive that promise. If we face the truly fearful God head on, He will be our companion. If we stoke the fire in our hearts through discipleship, we too will come to the time when we know we have done the will of God.
Monday, November 06, 2006
I will refer you back to an earlier post I wrote back for Proper 23 when I thought I was preaching entitled let the seminarian preach. It seems as though the ever intrepid Satan has placed on my plate another set of readings that makes me question my call to preach the good news. Uggg.
Nevertheless I shall persevere. God will supply all my needs. Somehow a sermon consisting of both trouble and grace will come forth. But today I am struck by just how tongue-in-cheek the Collect for Proper 28B sounds in light of apocalyptic suffering in all 3 readings.
Bblessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
I mean really. Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. It just makes me giggle. I am genuinely surprised that these texts actually appear in the lectionary. It is so desirous to ignore the hard words of Scripture that it seems as though we ignore them continually. But alas, not this Sunday. Not when I have to preach short sermon because of the Annual Meeting. Nope, today we get to feel with great discomfort what it means to say that all holy Scriptures have been written for our learning.
Again, let the seminarian preach.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Text- help- Expectancy background.
I am drifting from the practice here a little. Part of the reason for this is to be pragmatic. If I have it here on Lectionary ...Go I don't have to bring the text's down with me to Florida.
I was glad Peter helped flesh out the wider context of 1Kings 17. Elijiah has been sent to the widow. Both Elijiah and the widow are in a more precarious situation than I had first imagined. There is no rain. The wadi has dried up. The people are literally dying of thirst and starving. The widow's response to Elijiah is not that she has simply given up hope because her internal compass see's only misery. Her internal compass see's only misery because she is living through a drought and people are dying.
As I read the commentary I could not help but sense a soap opera element. All the elements are there in 1 Kings 17. The first character is Elijiah the wise man making his way by God's grace. He enters the town and finds the widow who is with out hope. Elijiah demands that she feed him and give him drink. She is desperately low on food and water herself but does so sensing that this is a man of God. Not that the situation is not bad enough, the whole land dying from drought, but add to that the unfolding drama of the widow's son dying and Elijiah raising him to life. There is reason for drama here. The widow is first of all a widow. She has lost her husband and men were the means of living. As a widow she can not (I think) own land. As a widow she has no claim to anything but the mercy of others. On top of that add that she and her son (her future hope and potential deliverer) are dangerously close to losing water and meal. Nothing grows without rain. Water sources dry up. Add on top of that her son dying. Truly the widow is without hope.
In the commentary there is some words about God's Mysterious Moves. It makes a comparison between our understanding of the universe and Alice and Wonderland. In Alice in wonderland, Alice is puzzled because the balls and mallets in the croquet game do not stay put in her game. They moved on their own. The commentator states, "Like the child, we adults have to lean that we are not the only players in the game of living." Life at time does not always work as we understand it. I saw a television show on astrophysics and astronomy. In the show they talked about that the universe is expanding at such a rate that in billions of years we will not see the stars we see now because the distance between the galaxies will be so great that the light will not make it our own. They also spoke of something like the dark matter and believe there may be a weight in the universe that can not be seen. The universe that we live in does not behave in the manner that we see it. Science does not preclude God. "The living God in his living universe has a range of activity beyond ours, somewhat as the shades of color exceed our reach of vision" (spectrum and those ranges we can not see) If we can not see something like ultraviolet light than it is not so great a stretch to believe that God might be able to perform miracles that we can not comprehend.
God moves in a myserious way...His wonders to perfom... "This chapter is a study in the relationship between produce and providence. When Jesus bade his disciples, " thought for the morrow" (Matt. 6:34), he was not counseling them to overlook the morrow, but to look over it to catch the long views of the kingdom ahead." "A miracle is an event with which human comprehension has not yet caught up. It is not an interruption of law, but the working of a law which human reason has not yet charted."
Other good things from the commentary-
In 17:1-24
"Elijah is fed a first by the notoriously voracious ravens, and when the drought has persisted so long that the Wadi Cherith is dried up, he is fed by a poor widow of Phoenicia, herself on the point of starvation...the chapter concludeds with the story of the death and restoration fo the widow's son.
Elijah means Yah is EL...El being the general semitic name for the High God...Elijah's own name is the proclamation of his message
After the raising of the son by Elijah...important ending to pericope..." See your son lives." And the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of Lord in your mouth is truth."
Friday, November 03, 2006
ramblings- thoughts for upcoming sermon
Expectancy is what is speaking to me from this weeks reading. I believe it will definitely be a sermon based on the old testament. It is not that I don't want to jump into the Gospel. There is certainly enough there for several sermons. Certainly I could probably condemn myself each and every time I put on the "clerical gear" and begin to think myself to important. Was not I honored to be the Bishops Asst at Matthews ordination this wednesday? Lord help me from my own ego. Let me not forget that Jesus warns the priests not to take the highest seat. We are called to take the lowest seat not because we are bad but because the master of the house might appear. Better to be asked to join the master than asked to get out of the high chair (high chair? interesting connection between babies and the levitical any priest who forgets whom he or she serves. I may never be asked to sit with the Master but I would rather be asked to come up than kicked out of the way.
Then there is the widow and her mighty mite. There is her trust. There is her example. There is her witness that God does provide. There is her of her substance not excess. She would be a good sermon but I think even still it is the widow out of Exekiel who calls.
A few ideas which I want to put down. They might not make sense to any readers of this but I do not want to lose them.
* Start off sermon with sermon will be heard by examing chaplins it will be important to drown out any heresy- humor ???
* The movie The about living into calling- scene where he realizes that he is doing exactly what he wants to do..."Today we get to play baseball"..."Today I get to be a priest" Focus on the sheer magnitude of our calling... this might be where I go with the sermon when trying to flesh out how Ezekiel applies. We are not to focus on the difficulties or if we do we need to keep them in context. The context is that if we stand at the pulpit or we sit in the pew we have been chosen...WE HAVE BEEN CHOSEN. How often do we act like the elder brother when the truth of the matter is that God calls us to share the amazing fact that we are to relish being chosen like the prodigal son. We have no claim to the kingdom but God's graciousness. "Today we get to play baseball" ...Today we get to share our lives with others. Today we get to share our talents with those who have not realized the gift that we have been given. It is also for them...those we meet. We get to be Christians! This is gifted ness. This is amazing and at present I am amazed I do not see it that way often.
*** Expectancy- the only time we really use that word is around pregnancy. "She is a mother expecting with child" " We are expecting to give birth in December" And the following is a little bit gross but a week ago when I took Benjamin to the Doctor he had a sore throught and the Dr said there was a little expectorant in his throat meaning that his sickness was seeping out something. Expectant...something that is beneath coming to the surface. Expectant...forthcoming. Expectant...something that is present but coming into being
Church is expectant. The sanctuarys that we sit in were once another churches expectant hope. Expectancy tied to vision...the working out of vision. Christs command to spread the Gospel...the acorn the very being of the tree which will hold hundreds/thousands of acorns...the already and the not yet...the working out of salvation history.
Part of Ezekiel is missionary. Ezekiel is giving away what he has... the widow can not see it. She is like the one (like so many around us) who do not see the hope or can allow themselves the trust of God in their lives. As Christians we are to witness it. We can not witness it if we do not live it. It is our living it that allows others to try it out.
That is all for now...this sermon will come. It will have life.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Mutual Giving
I got to thinking after the "Habit of the Priesthood" class tonight about the ways that both Elijah and the widow minister to one another. Clearly, Elijah has abundance, and knows that he has the Lord's blessing, but also the widow is convinced (maybe it is just after this passage) to offer out of what she has to this stranger. She offers hospitality (even if a bit reluctantly) out of the meager sum that she has. She does this, not knowing the great ministry that Elijah will later perform for her in raising her son back to life.
Elijah is sent by God, sent as in ministry or mission, but he also is received, and is ministered to by the widow. At times we are sent, and there are times that in going to strange lands and contexts outside of our comfort zones there are people who minister to us, even as we strive to provide ministry and mission to them. There seems to be an element of mutual giving -- perhaps not "equal," but collaborative, and on a two way street, nonetheless. Clearly, as we seek out our first "calls" as priests it is bad form to say, "I want to work here because you clearly will minister to me," however if we are honest, we know that we will be the receiver and the giver, the giver and the receiver.
Very interesting story of Elijah and the widow ... lots to chew on ...
Expectancy...John had it, Jesus had it, Elijiah had it
One of the most powerful sermons that I heard was on stewardship. This I think, is how it should be. Jesus spoke more about money than love in the Gospels. There is a reason for that. The great thing is we see that Jesus spoke about money not for monies sake but for ours. By being a pauper and living in pure expectancy Jesus lives out his own message. This should give us hope that Jesus had integrity. If Jesus had integrity than we might trust that Jesus knew of what he was about and what might be good for us. So if Jesus is speaking about money a lot and he himself is not out there seeking to take it for himself then it follows that spiritually money has a lot of power.
Anyway, the best sermon I heard was on stewardship and it was based on expectancy. The preacher did not dodge around the issue as if when we talk about money we are talking about persons outside of ear shot. This happens doesn't it? He spoke directly to his congregation. He challenged them with the question and he talked about the offertory. He challenged them with, "Go ahead, try and outgive God." The challenge was out of Expectancy...that we give in order to be God like. We trust that God does really like a cheerful giver. We trust that when we give faithfully that God will continue to be faithful to us and continue to provide as we provide to others. We give in response to God's mission to share but we also give as an act of faith that the God we worship will continue to provide for us.
In the OT reading Elijiah has expectancy. The woman to whom he ministers to (and provides a nifty miracle like Hanakah...the non terminating meal and oil) does not have expectancy. And this is not to condemn her. She was poor and she had children to feed. She was unable to see how God might have her interests at hand. What is interesting is that God does not bless her out of thin air but through Elijiah. Elijiah shows up with the message. He does have the gift of Expectancy. God tells him to enter a village and he does so. He is called to meet a widow and he goes out to find her (Widows by the way are aliens, who are marginalized) Elijiah finds the widow who can no longer take care of herself. Obviously things are bad as she tells Elijiah..."I am going back to die" The widow does not have expectancy... the jig is up.
Elijiah brings her a miracle which should change her thinking. She is reminded that she is not alone. She is reminded that God is involved. Expectancy.
So he set out and went to Zarephath. When he came to the gate of the town, a widow was there gathering sticks; he called to her and said, "Bring me a little water in a vessel, so that I may drink." As she was going to bring it, he called to her and said, "Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand." But she said, "As the LORD your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar, and a little oil in a jug; I am now gathering a couple of sticks, so that I may go home and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die." Elijah said to her, "Do not be afraid; go and do as you have said; but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and afterwards make something for yourself and your son. For thus says the LORD the God of Israel: The jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that the LORD sends rain on the earth."
all she had to live on
In reading today, however, it occurs to me that neither sentence I just spoke appear on the lips of the widows in Mark. She doesn't place here two copper coins in the treasury, stop, and make a claim to how great it is to give out of poverty. Instead it is Jesus, the righteous judge, who makes the claim of her greatness.
It is so easy to give out of abundance. Sure, I've given up a lot to follow this call (my wife has given up a lot more), but I by no means am close to giving "all I have to live on." As I sit here typing on my laptop, dressed, and in a warm (albeit grossly overpriced) apartment surrounded by books and gadgets and things of all sorts I'm realizing just what abundance looks like. Sure, I donate (well its Cassie's money really) $10,000 + to Virginia Theological Seminary each year, but I certainly get something out of it. Sure, we make a token gift to my Field Ed site, but we're no where near a tithe, let along "all we have to live on". Sure we sponsor a Compassion child at $32 a month, but who in that relationship is living in abundance, certainly its us.
Perspective has allowed me this day to see the great abundance around me. So too have I realized that God is the judge of who is the greatest, not me, not society, but God alone. So we'll continue to offer our gifts, but I certainly won't be nearly as self-righteous about their impact, on me or the world.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Feeling Beat

Between my two young children keeping me awake, an increased amount of animosity among people in my church, The Episcopal Church, some classes that I am working to just get through, and a busy family life, I am feeling tired ... in need of healing, rest, but all I have is coffee ... (actually, not such a bad thing, afterall...)
Elijah (and Yahweh) go outside of the expected land...
Please forgive this excerpt from a paper I wrote on the passage, I Kings 17:17-24 ..
"Canonical criticism would ask the question of what is the importance of where this story is placed. That placement leads us to see that it offers insight into Elijah (i.e. that he has the word of God, that even God listens, he haggles); into the Power of the Lord (that he has power over weather, over life and death, even outside of Israel/Judah); and makes a clear contrast between this foreign, Phoenician Woman and Ahab, the king of Israel (one recognizes the word of Elijah, recognizing the truth, welcoming him in rather than chasing him away). The story of Elijah the Tishbite is tied with other stories of this prophet[i] who suddenly appears on the scene in King Ahab’s court in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Just before this pericope about the rising of the widow’s son, the prophet Elijah speaks to Ahab and proclaiming in 1 Kings 17:1b that there “. . . shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.”[ii] (NSRV) Ahab does not listen to Elijah and does not believe that Elijah has the word of God and that he is a man of God. The action of God’s to cause drought across the land was the first dramatic example of God’s control over life and death. In 1 Kings 17:14, Elijah says to the woman that if she shares her food with him the Lord will bless her, “For thus says the Lord the God of Israel: the jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth.” (NSRV)
The story in 1 Kings 17:17-24 specifically takes place outside the area of King Ahab, outside
[i] “These stories about the prophetic ministry of Elijah the Tishbite, originally independent, now form a tightly organized literary unit.” Walsh, Jerome T. and Christopher T. Begg, 1-2 Kings in New Jerome Biblical Commentary, (New York; Prentice Hall; 1990), 171.
[ii] “for it is a theme of this whole narrative (chs. 17-18) that God has control over all aspects of nature.” Carson, D.A. editor New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition (Downers Grove, Ill; InterVarsity; 1994), 358.
[iii] “The first theme sounds from the beginning. Baal was worshiped as the God of storms and fertility. A Yahwist claim to control rainfall constitutes a direct assault on Baalist religion.” Walsh, Jerome T. and Christopher T. Begg, 1-2 Kings in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, (New York; Prentice Hall; 1990), 171.
[iv] “. . . a certain widow: Widowhood was a mark of dependency, since such women often lacked the means to support themselves, even more so in times of famine.” Cogan, Mordechai, The Anchor Bible:1 Kings: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (New York; Doubleday; 1964), 427.
I got nuthin'
O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
We are all heirs of God. We are called to be pure. We are to strive to be like Jesus. And what do we do instead? The work of the devil; tearing down the Church, tearing down fellow believers, focusing on our own problems instead of doing the work of the LORD. Psalm 146 give us our mission:- 7
- The LORD sets the prisoners free;
the LORD opens the eyes of the blind; *
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; - 8
- The LORD loves the righteous;
the LORD cares for the stranger; *
he sustains the orphan and widow,
but frustrates the way of the wicked.
Is it the right widow?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
a teaching moment
Monday, October 30, 2006
i smell stewardship


One thing I'm sorry I haven't learned at seminary is what group put together the lectionary, and how decisions were made regarding what texts would be read when. It seems to me as though they knew that late fall was stewardship time and the readings for later propers should reflect that. Proper 27, Year B is no different. Elijah and the widow (a story that I had overlooked before - but will no doubt reflect upon this week), the once for all gift of Christ, and the widows mite, geeesh, these guys (I assume they were guys) were good.
But today I can't help but notice something not stewardship related. Instead I'm still thinking of the rules I wrote about on Friday and am awe struck by the words of Jesus in Mark 12.
Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.
After the consecration service of our new Diocesan, my wife went ape sh*t over the pomp and circumstance that necessarily goes along with a service of such historical significance. (I say necessarily only because I've been formed in a tradition of apostolic succession, Cassie feels differently). Her argument, which is an apt one, surrounds the focus on the individual, in this case the robing of a new bishop, when the church's one foundation, the church's one focus should be on the saving work of God through Jesus Christ. For her, the words of Jesus could just as easily be read, "beware of bishops, who like to walk around in funny hats and long robes, and to be greeting with respect because of thier purple shirts, and to have the best seats in the churches and places of honor at all times! The money spent on their accutremont devours widows' houses and for the sake of appearance they read prayers from a book. They will recieve teh greater condemnation."
As an anti-oxford, anti-cambridge evanglical episcopalian I can certainly see her point. These things we do; from processions to mitres, are exactly that, things we do. It seems to me they are inherently neutral; neither good nor evil themselves, but it is in their use that they gain an identity. If a bishop is using the material particularities of his or her position to "lord it over" those not of that order the office of bishop with all of its material components is then one that is evil. If instead a bishop uses her or his office to the glory of God then the office with all its purple, pomp, and circumstance is one that is good.
The scribes themselves were not bad people, they were just caught up in their role. They lived a lifestyle that focused attention on themselves and not on the LORD. So too it can be with bishops (and priests and deacons and laity). Our job, instead of worrying about titles and such, is to make pure the intentions of our heart, so that we might come before the Lord our God blameless and seeking only His glory. Otherwise, prepare the condemnation.
Image from the archbishop of canterbury website,, a press release
Friday, October 27, 2006
what's the deal with all these rules anyway?
Now this is the commandment--the statutes and the ordinances--that the LORD your God charged me to teach you to observe in the land that you are about to cross into and occupy, so that you and your children and your children's children, may fear the LORD your God all the days of your life, and keep all his decrees and his commandments that I am commanding you, so that your days may be long.
From Deuteronomy 6 (Proper 26b) we get two answers to this age-old question about rules. First, the rules exist so that all might fear the LORD. Much has been written regarding the right understanding of "fear the LORD", suffice it to say that a fear of the LORD is a right understanding of the one who is entirely other. God is so different from us, all loving, all knowing, Trinity, etc. that to understand God is to misunderstand God. So, we are left with only an understanding of the ambiguity of God, and ambiguity makes humans uncomfortable. To fear the LORD is to allow for the uncomfortableness of God in our lives. The rules result in fear of the LORD in that they point us to what is important to God - ultimately the second reason for rules - "so that our days might be long."
God loves his Creation. God loves the earth, the stars, plants, and animals. God loves humans too. God did not intend for humans to taste death, we did that to ourselves. So, with that in mind, God gave us rules to prolong as long as possible the inevitablity of death. At the second coming, with the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, rules will no longer be necessary, for we will once again be restored to a life without death, but for now, in order that we might live long in the land, long in God's Creation, we are given the rules.
Still, I struggle with the rules, espeically with how they were redeemed through Jesus Christ, and how some were specific to Churches in crisis. My church, the Episcopal Church, is dealing with these struggles in spades. What does God say about homosexuality? What does God say about the ordination of women? What does Jesus mean by love your neighbor as yourself? All of these questions lead us to interpretation. And since the enlightenment we trusted our interpretation to reveal the Truth of God's Word. Today, we aren't so sure we can find that Truth, but maybe, if we're lucky we might find a piece of it. Is my piece of truth a rule which are all to follow? Or, rather is it the first half of a sentance of God? See, I've talked myself back into a corner again.
What is the deal with all these rules anyway?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
you are not far from the kingdom of God
When asked by this man "Which commandemnt is the first of all" Jesus didn't run to the 10 (or 11 depending) commandments of Exodus. Instead he recalled for those around him the words of Moses on the edge of the Promised Land, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." Within this one commandment, this Great Commandment, is a whole set of doctrine that defined for the Israelites, and still us today, what God really wants.
Hear, O Israel - Israel is the name given to Jacob after he wrestled all night with the god-man at the river. Israel came to be the name of Jacob-Israel's tribe, his family, his nation. To be called the People Isreal is to be called a people unafraid to wrestle with God. Although, here they are called to "hear" they are forever expected to come back to God with the hard questions.
The Lord our God - to claim the Lord as "our God" is to understand God's deepest desire; to be in relationship with His creation. The Lord our God is the direct correlation to we, God's people. We are called, each by name, to be in relationship with the Lord so that he might be our God.
the Lord is one - monotheistic religion is a radically new concept at the time of the Exodus. For this group of ragtag people to cast of the majority belief of the rest of the ancient world is, in fact, quite a statement. The Lord is one is the basis of the Nicean concept of Trinity (of one being, begotten not made, proceding from the Father...). To worship one God, to recognize only one God is to make a giant statement about the nature of that God.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. - this is not a little expectation on the part of God. To love God with all heart, soul, mind, and strength is not an easy endeavor, but to know that God loves you before, in fact whether or not, you love him back makes it all the more easy. Note that this Great Commandment, when uttered by Moses, is after God has saved his people from bondage. It is as they prepare to enter the land promised to them by God. God didn't wait for Israel to love God to save them, but rather saved them, loved them, from before.
These imdedded statements of doctrine are not, by anymeans, the exclusive understanding of our relationship with God. They are however, the beginning of an understanding that right liturgy and memorized law are not the way to meet God. It is rather in the act of naming God and loving God that relationship begins. It is this relationship that Jesus spoke about when he told the Saducee, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."
Of course the other half of the kingdom lies in the second commandment. See my friend Peter's post on loving your neighbor as yourself for some great insights (and some good sarcasm).
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Loving thy Neighbors
"you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
I hear these words very often, and they seem to be at the root of much of our Christian Ethics, as I guess they should be. Loving our neighbors as we love our selves.
Well, it gets tricky here ... ours is a culture that lifts up the self, we have magazine racks and self-help sections of bookstores full of advice for our "selves," and we hear the advice that we should be "Getting the Love we Deserve," and that we should be proactive, stand up for ourselves, advocate for our best position - salary and all that ... In the church, we hear these terms of "self care" which, to me, is a good thing - clergy, and everyone, should take care of our selves - however, the tricky thing is that when we privilege self-care, we forget that what Jesus called us to do is to not only love our selves, but love our neighbors as our selves. LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS, as we love our selves. Here is where the bookstores are of little help, there are no sections on "How to care for your neighbor," "How to offer hospitality to the stranger," "How to do small things for others," "How to transform your self-orientation to an 'other-orientation.' "
Actually, there is a book that outlines some of these practices, and it is a very old book, telling the Old Old Story of God's hospitality to the Israelites in the Desert, God's gift of a covenant, God's gift of the Law, God's gift of making a People, rather than individuals. It is a story of God's love that so overflowed that God sent his Son as a gift to the world. And, this son perhaps practiced some self-care in going to the desert to commune with his Abba (father), but Jesus spent far more time doing "other-care" than "self-care," ... and far more time hanging out with a group of loyal (mostly) but clueless (mostly) followers, and hanging out with those in society that were no one's neighbors.
As I look at this passage, I wonder if churches could take a whole season - perhaps Advent (when too much focus can be on commercialism), and just preach, discuss, and act on this saying - love the Lord, Love the Neighbor, Love the self (in that order).
Naaah, I am talking crazy ... ( Jesus must have been talking metaphorically. ;))
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
it is more than the law...
I am in no way insinuating that I consider myself a "high priest", but I am, at least, on the road to the priesthood. In the olden days it was the law that appointed priests, now it is the Holy Spirit which that calls us to the priesthood. Be it the law or the Holy Spirit doing the calling, it is still human "who are subject to weakness" being called.
As I write this I am painfully aware of my own weakness. Its the end of the quarter, and I've handed in my paper for Church History and my Student Body Report for the Board. I'm tired. I've done work in the evening for the first time in over a year, and it really took its toll on me. I'm about to begin a class session at Wesley which I HATE!!!! HATE HATE HATE!!! (sorry).
Anyway, its the weakness part of this letter to the Hebrews that I'm relating to today. And its in much excitement that I look at the Son, "who has been made perfect forever" offering intercession for me, for my sin, for my weaknesses.
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Shema
שמצ ישראל יהוה אלהינך יהוה אחד
This poor approximation (my first attempt at Hebrew unicode) is the Shema (שמצ) of Isreal, the words bound on their hands and on their doorposts. The key to understanding the relationship between God and his people. Hear O Israel, The LORD is our God, the LORD alone.
It is a reprise of this ancient saying that Jesus gives as the Great Commandment. This statement of fact, that the LORD is God and that the LORD is one is the key to understanding the New Covenant - between God and man through the godman, Jesus of Nazareth.
Whether Jew of Christian the entreaty of Moses remains for us both, "Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."